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Special Study Session:Xi Jinping and Friends of College Students

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In order to implement the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the National Federation of Schools on the reform of students' unions in colleges and universities, further promote the development and reform of our students' unions, and improve the ideological and moral cultivation and political theory of the staff of students' unions, the Students' Union of the School of Politics and International Relations of Lanzhou University conducted a group training on line at 9:00 p.m. on April 25. Staff members of the Youth League Committee and Youth Volunteer Association also participated in this training. The training was hosted by Yu Yanlin, executive chairman of the Student Union, and focused on the book Xi Jinping and Friends of College Students.

In the exchange and sharing session, students actively spoke and explained their learning experience and insights.

Zhang Weiheng: What I have the most insight is "act according to nature", which has two meanings, the first meaning is to tell us to "act" and actively engage in practice, which is what General Secretary Xi Jinping has been advocating when communicating with college students: to be rooted in the grassroots and to go deep into practice. The second meaning is to remind us to "act according to nature", and while it is important to "act", we must find the right way. "Nature" can be found in traditional Chinese philosophy. "Act according to nature" precisely fits the traditional Chinese Taoist thought. As General Secretary Xi Jinping warned college students when he was in charge of Zhengding in Hebei: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. We don't know the current situation, we don't grasp the reality, there is no way to step."

Liang Xiaohua: General Secretary Xi Jinping once said at the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement: "A generation has a generation's long march, and a generation has a generation's responsibility." As young college students in the new era, our long march and our role is to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As college students, we are the foundation of the future society, so college students should work hard and accumulate a lot of theoretical knowledge at this stage of growth, so that they can use theory to guide practice and test theoretical knowledge in practice; however, college is not an ivory tower, and college students must apply the knowledge they have learned to practice and combine it with society in order to gain real insight.

Li Huicun: During the study, what I felt most deeply was President Xi's concern for the study and life of the majority of college students and the importance he attached to their planning for college life and their future life path. President Xi said, "We are about to graduate and embark on a new starting point in our lives, which is a major turnaround and a big event. We will all encounter various difficulties in the future. When we make achievements, do not be arrogant and complacent, but humble and cautious. When we encounter difficulties and setbacks, we should be self-improvement, keep sharpening our wills and growing our talents on the road of life, and grow up in the process of serving the motherland."

In this study we sincerely feel the deep expectations of General Secretary Xi Jinping for the youth of today's universities. We have to remember the General Secretary's earnest wish, and with the spirit of self-improvement, we will keep running in the place where the motherland needs most, and be the forerunners, pioneers and devotees who are in the forefront of the times.